Contact info


Street address:
Vilppulantie 51
41370 Kuusa


Sales office:
Phone: + 358 20 792 8080
E-mail: varjola(at)


See Varjola in GoogleMaps



Varjola is situated in Central Finland,
about 30 km north from Jyväskylä and just about 15 km from the Jyväskylä airport.

From Jyväskylä city: 
drive to Laukaa and from the traffic circle in Laukaa continue approximately 5 km towards Suolahti. Just before the big bridge going over the Kuusa rapids turn left (sign: Valkola 8). Then drive 200 m and you arrive to Varjola.

From Jyväskylä (Tikkakoski) airport:
Turn to left (E4) towards north. Drive about 1,5 km and then turn to the right following sign towards Laukaa. Drive about 10 km and then you arrive to a T-crossing. Turn left and drive about 3,5 km towards Suolahti. Just before the big bridge going over the Kuusa rapids turn left (sign: Valkola 8). Then drive 200 m and you arrive to Varjola.